Back to School Sales

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Save on the best Back To School Deals with Coupon Codes and Cash Back from Hoopla Doopla. Get big deals on BTS gear with online coupons, promo codes, exclusive offers, limited time promotions, and BTS cashback. You don’t need to find a mall near me or even go to the store when you can get the best Back To School Coupons and Deals shopping at With Hoopla, you can find whatever your kids may need for the upcoming school year, including the best deals on backpacks, girls school clothes, boys school clothes, laptops, lunchboxes, boys shoes, girls shoes, classroom supplies, notebooks, books, planners, lunch gear, tech gear, and all kinds of BTS sales and specials.  Get great deals on dorm room essentials, and save even more with dorm room coupon codes and discounts. 

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It’s time for back to school 2025 Deals from Hoopla! Teachers, parents, and children all begin their back-to-school preparations as summer draws to a close. There's a lot to prepare for, whether you're sending your child off to Pre-K for the first time, getting ready for a new class, or starting your freshman year of college. Maybe you are even just planning to go back to school online or back to homeschool.  Regardless, check out Hoopla's Back-to-School Collection to make sure you're prepared to have the best school year ever! 

The U.S. Department of Education also has great Back To School Resources that can help with everything from college financial aid planning to basic first day of school checklists to resources for teachers and educators. The educational experts have a wide range of advice to start the school year, including things such as:

  • For school days, establish healthy at-home habits such as consistent waking hours and getting-ready patterns. Establish a regular homework time and a comfortable, peaceful work environment. 
  • Set bedtimes for elementary school children that allow them to obtain 10 to 12 hours of sleep and allow for 8.5 to 9.5 hours for teens.
  • Make sure your child's backpack does not exceed 10 to 20% of his body weight; heavier backpacks might put a burden on developing muscles and joints. Encourage your child to tighten both straps so the pack hangs close to the body, about two inches above his or her waist.
  • Meet-the-teacher night, orientation, or other welcome activities are all good ideas, but don't stop there. Make a point of getting to know other parents and school volunteers, and learning about the year's events and expectations. Find out how each teacher communicates best.
  • Does it appear that your youngster will struggle to keep up? Inquire with the instructor about tutoring programs and resources offered by the school to help reinforce his or her learning outside of class. Many additionally provide extra assistance before or after school during office hours.

Education and learning can be a lifelong journey.  May adults decide to return to college, university, or other options to obtain professional certifications, further their careers, or just to learn about subjects that interest them.  For some, “when do we go back to school” isn’t a question, because they never stop learning. 

A final fun tidbit, “Back To School” isn’t just an annual occurrence, it is also a 1980’s comedy movie starring Rodney Dangerfield that was released in 1986. In this funny comedy, a fun-loving and loud rich businessman decides to enroll as a student himself to assist his unhappy son get through college.  Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie nearly 90% positive reviews. 

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