Mother's Day Deals

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More About Mother's Day

In the United States, Mother’s Day 2025 is observed on Sunday May 12, and moms can look forward to Mothers Day 2025 on Sunday May 11. 

Mother's Day is a holiday that honors the family's mother, as well as motherhood, maternal ties, and mothers' influence in society. It is observed on different days around the world, but most notably in the months of March and May. It goes along with other family-oriented holidays including Father's Day, Grandparents Day, and Siblings Day. In the early twentieth century, Anna Jarvis initiated the modern Mother's Day in the United States. In 1907, Anna Jarvis organized a memorial for her mother at St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, which gave birth to the modern holiday of Mother's Day. The International Mother's Day Shrine is now housed at St Andrew's Methodist Church. Because of Anna Jarvis' efforts, all U.S. states celebrated Mother's Day by 1911, with some of them formally acknowledging it as a local holiday. In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation declaring the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day, a national holiday honoring mothers.

In the U.S., Mother’s Day has little to do with the many traditional festivals of mothers and motherhood that have existed for thousands of years around the world, such as the Greek festival of Cybele, the mother god Rhea, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Laetare Sunday celebration, which is synonymous with the image of Mother Church. Mother's Day is still associated with these older practices in many countries outside of the United States. The date chosen in some countries is one important to the majority faith, such as Virgin Mary Day in Catholic countries. Other countries chose a historically significant date. Some countries honor International Women's Day instead of Mother's Day, while others have both.

Hallmark Cards and other firms began distributing Mother's Day cards in the early 1920s. Mother's Day is also one of the busiest days for flower and greeting card sales in the United States. Mother's Day is also the busiest time of year for long-distance calls. Church attendance is also heavy on Mother's Day, with the highest attendance after Christmas Eve and Easter. Carnations, colored if the mother is alive and white if she is dead, are used by many worshippers to commemorate the day.

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