To earn your cash back, simply log into your account, click one of our merchant's links or a "Shop Now" button. You will be taken directly to the merchant's website. Immediately after that, make a purchase on their website as you normally would do if you went directly there. That's it! We will track your steps along the way, and credit your cash back when we receive it from the merchant. You can check the status of the transaction, see your cleared and pending earnings, and recent activity on your Earnings page.
Frequently Asked Questions
What EXACTLY do I have to do to earn cash back on my purchases?
When making a purchase on a merchant's site, can I use additional coupon/promotional codes that I find elsewhere?
I don't see any coupons/promotions listed for a specific merchant. Can I still shop?
How do I change my password?
How do I reset my password?
How do I update my account information?
I want to make multiple purchases at separate times from a particular merchant. Do I need to return to Hoopla, and click on links for each transaction?
How do I close out my account? What happens to any cash back currently owed to me?
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